Healthy Meal for Doberman

Preparing a Healthy and Delicious Meal for My Doberman Friends
 The Ingredients I Use and Why

In today’s article and videos, I’ll be sharing my secret for preparing healthy meals for my Dobermans at the Izrafel kennel.

As a Doberman owner and a longtime breeder, I’ve come to realize the importance of providing them with proper nutrition to keep them healthy, energetic, and happy.

Below, I’ll explain in detail the ingredients I use and why they are crucial for their diet.

Healthy Meal for Doberman

In this blog post, I’ll share a fantastic recipe for a healthy and delicious meal for Dobermans. You’ll learn why I choose these ingredients and why they’re essential for dog’s diet.

Let’s dive right in and discover the secrets of a well-balanced meal for our beloved Dobermans!

Dobermans are large dogs with high energy levels, requiring a substantial amount of food. As a result, I include dry kibble in their diet.

The super-premium kibble I use contains lamb, beef, and blueberries.

These kibbles provide a balance of proteins, vitamins, and minerals, which are essential for maintaining their overall health.


Here are the other ingredients I incorporate into their diet:


1.  Beef Heart: 
Adding beef heart to their diet provides them with high-quality proteins and essential nutrients. The heart is also rich in taurine, which supports a healthy heart function in Dobermans.


2. Chicken Wings:

Chicken wings are an excellent source of high-quality proteins, essential fatty acids, and nutrients. They are also rich in chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine, which help maintain joint and cartilage health.


3. Herring :
This oily fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which promote healthy skin, a shiny coat, and overall well-being in dogs. It provides a great source of protein, essential vitamins, and minerals. Herring also contains DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which supports brain development and cognitive function. Including herring in your dog’s diet can contribute to their overall health and vitality.

4. Spinach, Parsley, Beetroot, Broccoli, and Carrots:
Incorporating these vegetables into Doberman diet provides a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Spinach and parsley are rich in iron and antioxidants, while beetroot promotes liver health and possesses anti-inflammatory properties. Broccoli and carrots are sources of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as fiber and antioxidants.


5. Cooked Carrots with Rice:
The combination of cooked grated carrots and rice provides additional vitamins, minerals, and fiber. This combination also contributes to good digestion.


6. Beef and Salmon:
Beef and salmon are excellent sources of proteins and omega-3 fatty acids. The proteins from beef provide essential amino acids for muscle growth and development, while omega-3 fatty acids from salmon support heart health, skin health, and a shiny coat.


7. Chicken Feet Broth:

Chicken feet broth is rich in nutrients such as collagen, glucosamine, and chondroitin. These components support joint, cartilage, and bone health in Dobermans. The broth also provides hydration and can help enhance the taste of food.

Once the soup is prepared, it is recommended to discard the chicken feet and serve the soup without them. This is because chicken feet are primarily used for their gelatinous texture and collagen content, which dissolve during the cooking process and contribute to the richness of the soup.

The bones of the chicken feet are not typically consumed as they are small and can pose a choking and serious damage to the dog’s mouth, throat, or intestines.


8. Eggs:

Eggs are an excellent source of high-quality proteins, essential fatty acids, and vitamins. Adding eggs to their diet provides important nutrients and helps maintain healthy skin and coat in Dobermans. Including eggshell in the dog’s meal is a beneficial addition. Eggshells are a natural source of calcium, which plays a crucial role in maintaining strong bones and teeth in dogs. The eggshell membrane contains collagen, which aids in joint health and can help reduce inflammation.


9. Strawberries:
Strawberries are a fruit that can be beneficial in a dog’s diet for several reasons. They are rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, and fiber. Antioxidants help fight against free radicals and maintain cellular health. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and contributes to skin health. Fiber is important for regulating digestion and maintaining a healthy gut function in dogs. It is important to note that strawberries should be given to dogs in moderation, as a treat or as part of a balanced diet.


10. Protein from pumpkin seeds :

It is rich in plant-based protein, which is crucial for muscle development and overall health. Pumpkin seed protein also contains beneficial fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6, which support a healthy coat and skin. Additionally, it provides important minerals like zinc and magnesium, which are essential for immune function and bone health. The fiber content in pumpkin seed protein aids in digestion and promotes a healthy gastrointestinal system in dogs. Including pumpkin seed protein in a dog’s diet offers a nutrient-dense and well-rounded source of protein and other essential nutrients.


11. Goat whey :
It is a byproduct of the cheese-making process and is rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals. Goat whey protein is easily digestible and provides essential amino acids necessary for muscle growth and repair. It is also low in lactose.
Additionally, goat whey contains beneficial enzymes and probiotics that promote gut health and aid in digestion. 


12. Kefir :
It is a fermented milk product that contains probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that support a healthy gut. These probiotics help maintain a balanced digestive system, improve nutrient absorption, and strengthen the immune system.. Additionally, its natural enzymes aid in digestion and promote a healthy coat and skin. By incorporating kefir into a dog’s diet, it can enhance their digestion, immune function, and overall well-being.



At the end of the meal, each dog is given a beef bone as a treat. Beef bones provide several benefits for dogs. Firstly, chewing and gnawing on bones can help maintain oral health by naturally cleaning the teeth, removing plaque, and preventing dental issues like tartar buildup. Additionally, bone chewing can strengthen the jaw and facial muscles.

Furthermore, beef bones are rich in essential nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and collagen. These nutrients play a crucial role in supporting the overall bone, joint, and cartilage health of dogs.

It’s important to note that beef bones are given as an occasional treat and not every day. Care should be taken to provide appropriate-sized bones that are safe for chewing, and supervision is recommended to ensure the dog chews them properly.

In conclusion, this recipe is just one of the many ways I nourish my dogs. Each meal is customized based on the age and condition of my Dobermans, and the pictures and videos showcase the portion size for six of them.

Each meal is tailored to the individual dog, taking into account their physical condition and age. The portion size of the food is adjusted accordingly.

Stay tuned for upcoming content where I will share more exciting recipes and provide valuable tips on how to maintain a well-balanced diet for my beloved Doberman family.


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